Sunday, September 20, 2009

Magnum Photographer - Christopher Anderson

After looking at all the photographers in the Magnum website I couldn't decide for a favorite one. So I narrowed my search to the "new" photographers choosing Christopher Anderson. He's a photographer who fulfills all the characteristics a Magnum photographer must have: amazing composition, ability to capture the moment, involvement with the subjects he's photographing, important themes, etc. Also one of the main reasons he was my final choice is that he has great photographs both in color and b&w, a characteristic I think all the modern photographers should have.

In this photo Christopher Anderson shows a Taliban fighter inside a car camouflaged with mud. I really strikes me how the fighter looks like a painting of a religious icon, and it's only after reading the caption that the photos reveals the reality. So the photograph works at many levels. A surreal photograph which at the same time is a documentary one all in a beautiful image.

Again a beautiful image working in different levels. An almost abstract image of a market in Kaboul. With perfect balance between the blue and brown colors, Anderson shows us a common activity (buying food) and tells us about the style of living in Afghanistan, plastic bags, burkhas, poverty but also dignity.

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